Sunday, January 13, 2008

Temperature's Rising

Left Illinois and as we entered Arkansa the temp hit 11 C and finally the rain has stopped and it's sunny!! We crossed the Mississippi as we entered Misouri. We always wanted to cruise down the Mississippi in our boat but I must say it didn't look too inviting, pretty muddy and lots of dredges working. Skirted Tennessee, Kentucky and Missippi and stopped just past Little Rock, Arkansa for the night. Clinton might have like it but Arkansa sure isn't my favourite state. We've gotten a little more brave and now put out all our slides when we stop, besides, we're still drying out carpets!! I must say it's more comfortable than trying to squeeze between things. It's interesting to see how the merchandise in the stores (mostly Wal mart of course) has changed, lots of Mexican food on the shelves - we're loving that. Alana laughted at our Walmart locator guide book but it has been one of our better investments - just think 3700 Wal Marts at your fingertips.

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