Sunday, January 13, 2008

Heading South at Last

We left the RV Warehouse in Cookstown, ON on Monday, January 7 in the fog and rain. It was interesting trying to set up the electric brakes on the wet pavement. The Cypress hauled like a dream, you would never know it was there - at least until we ventured into a gas station or a parking lot - it's going to take some practice. However, it's a piece of cake compared to trying to get Sea Holly into a dock with wind and current, at least we can stop at a predetermined spot (most of the time anyway). We crossed the border at Sarnia/Port Huron and there was no line up. The customs lady took our eggs but heck that's ok, she left the rum and wine.

Stopped for the night in Lapeer, Michigan at our favourite overnite campground - Wal Mart!!!

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