It's been awhile since I've been able to update the blog, actually since we initially arrived in January. The past two months have been wonderful; we love sailing on the Sea of Abaco and all the spectacular beaches and anchorages we've visited. We sailed from West End to Mangrove Cay. Abby didn't like that much so we didn't stay long. Next day we were in Great Sale Cay where we stayed for a couple of days to walk the beach (our first) and do some exploring. Next stop was Allans Pensacola Cay which is one of my favourites. We did lots of beachcombing and added Sea Holly's name (on a plastic hard hat which we found on the beach) to the hanging tree. It was neat to see all the boats that have signed up. Tom from Nancy Dawson and Paul on Vixen are great fishermen and provided enough fish (French Grunts) for a fish fry on Nancy Dawson. We reluctantly left Allans Pensacola and visited Black Sound in Green Turtle Cay. Had lunch at the Wrecking Tree, our first taste of cracked conch which has quickly become a favourite. We crossed the Whale Passage on a beautiful calm day and entered the Sea of Abaco. We have spent the past month or so exploring Marsh Harbour; Treasure Cay; Great Guana Cay; Bakers Bay; Hopetown; Man-o-Way Cay and just can't decide which we like best. I've posted a few photos below and promise to update the rest soon.